
名称: 毕业留念 
日期: 1860年代 
尺寸: 6.3X 9.2厘米 

名称: 少夫人 
日期: 1860年代 
尺寸: 6.3X 9.2厘米 

名称: 铁匠 
日期: 1860年代 
尺寸: 6.3X 9.2厘米 

名称: 孩童 
日期: 1860年代 
尺寸: 6.5x5厘米 

名称: 肖像
日期: 1860年代 
尺寸: 6.3X 9.2厘米 

 名称: 肖像 
日期: 1860年代 
尺寸: 6.3X 9.2厘米 

玻璃版照片(Ambrotype)- 1854年,美国的詹姆斯·卡廷(James Cutting)获得玻璃板照片制作工艺发明专利,它是银板照片(Daguerreotype)之后又一大发明。玻璃板照片画质比银板照片清晰,因此获得广泛采用。1880年代后玻璃板照片工艺逐渐被锡板照片取代,玻璃板照片被认为是由银板照片向锡板照片过渡的中间环节,通常玻璃板照片与银板照片装裱都十分精美华贵,照片被镶嵌在一个绒布衬底的精美盒子里。 

The Ambrotype was the popular successor to the Daguerreotype. While the image was inferior to the Daguerreotypes, it was cheaper and easier to produce. It is generally considered to have an image quality between Daguerreotypes and tintypes. The glass plates do not bear dating marks as with the Daguerreotype plates. Early Ambrotypes had a second plate of glass sealed to the image. This process was discontinued in the 1850s. The use of the darker colored coral glass began in the late 1850s. As noted, these often resemble tintypes when held in cases. In 1854, James Ambrose Cutting of Boston took out several patents relating to the process. Ambrotypes needed a black backing behind the glass to make the image positive in tone. Early Ambrotypes had the black backing in the case, while later ones had the black directly applied to the glass. Finding a sports ambrotype should be a treat for the sports collector, as they show early images and are rare. Ambrotypes were usually held in cases. >>返回>>