
名称: 印第安酋长
日期: 1909年
尺寸: 17X 23厘米(不含纸卡)

名称: 印第安妇女
日期: 1910年代
尺寸: 13X 20厘米
备注:爱德华·柯蒂斯/Edward S Curtis(1868-1952)美国人,是一位以拍摄美国西部和北美印地安人而著名的摄影师。

名称: 港口风光
日期: 1916年
尺寸: 13X 20厘米 
作者:乔治·塞利/George Seeley (1880-1955) 美国重要现实主义摄影师,以拍摄人物和风景为主。

名称: 秋天的早晨
日期: 1886年
尺寸: 25X 35厘米 
备注:彼得·亨利·埃默森/Peter Henry Emerson(1856-1936),著名自然主义摄影大师,父亲是美国人,母亲是英国人,他本人出生于古巴。1885年他成为摄影界名人,1889年发表了艺术论文集《自然主义摄影》,向以鲁滨逊为代表的绘画摄影投出了第一枚重磅炸弹,自然主义摄影也由此得名。

名称: 壁炉前编制的女人
类别: 铂金照片(手工上色)
日期: 1912年
尺寸: 18X 23厘米 

铂金照片是1830年由两位德國人费迪南德·盖伦(Ferdinand Gehlen)和约翰·沃尔夫冈杜比(ohann Wolfgang Dobereiner)发现氯铂酸钾和草酸铁混合可制成感光纸在暗房里冲印照片,氯铂酸钾就是含铂(俗称白金)的化合物。因为这种冲印方式成本相当昂贵,感光相紙成本高昂到只有个别摄影师能承担,一張A4大小成本大约4000元, 但是制作出的照片质地细腻,色彩纯正,微妙的灰阶以及细节表现以及化学结构上的永恆稳定性深受收藏家们的青睐。


另外两位英国人约翰·赫歇尔(John Herschel) 和罗伯特·亨特(Robert Hunt)于1832前后通过他们自己的实验,进一步完善铂金印制技术,并在1844年由罗伯特·亨特出版一本有关书籍,他在书里详细阐述他对铂金印制技术和对光的研究。 2006年,一张名为《池塘月色》铂金照片,在纽约苏富比夜场拍卖会上以近300万美元成交,这是爱德华·史泰钦拍摄于1904年的早期作品。

Platinum prints also called platinotypes, are photographic prints made by a monochrome printing process that provides the greatest tonal range of any printing method using chemical development. Platinum prints are made by photographers and favored by collectors because of their tonal range, the surface quality and their permanence. A platinum print provides a broad scale of tones from black to white. The platinum tones range from warm black, to reddish brown, to expanded mid-tone grays that are unobtainable in silver prints. 

The first person to have recorded observing the action of light rays on platinum was Ferdinand Gehlen of Germany in 1830. The following year his countryman Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner determined that the action of light on platinum was quite weak, but that perhaps something could be combined with platinum to increase its sensitivity. Through experimenting, he eventually found that ferric oxalate was the missing ingredient. The combination of these two metals is still the basis of the platinotype process in use today. 

In 1832 Englishmen Sir John Herschel and Robert Hunt conducted their own experiments, further refining the chemistry of the process. In 1844, in his book Researches on Light, Hunt recorded the first known description of anyone employing platinum to make a photographic print. However, although he tried several different combinations of chemicals with platinum, none of them succeeded in producing any permanency in the image. All of his prints faded after several months.  >>返回>>